Dear Participants and Guest speakers,
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the eighth edition of the Unibadan Conference of Biomedical Research (UCBR), a biennial conference organized by the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. This conference will be in HYBRID format, which will allow for both physical and virtual participation of attendees. UCBR-8 is scheduled to hold Monday 11th to Friday 15th September, 2023 at the Abdullahi Gandoje Hall, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan.
The purpose of the conference is to serve as a central point for Biomedical Scientists from various background and disciplines to meet and exchange ideas on contemporary science. Its objective is also to improve opportunity for young scientists to be exposed to the language and culture of good science through interaction between budding and established scientists from areas such as Clinical and Laboratory Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Veterinary sciences, Pure and Applied Sciences as well as other Life Sciences and related Agriculture Sciences.
In the previous editions of the conference, many scientists in various Universities in Nigeria and abroad showed keen interest and participated actively in UCBR-1 (August, 2008), UCBR-2 (July 2010), UCBR-3 (July 2012) and UCBR-4 (July 2014), UCBR-5 (July 2016), UCBR-6 (July 2018) and UCBR-7 (September 2021). Most of the papers presented at previous editions of UCBR have been published in the flagship journal of the Faculty-Archives of Basic and Applied Medicine.
Ibadan is a place loved by many visitors. The proximity of the city to Lagos and the warmness of the dwellers to visitors makes Ibadan a thriving commercial centre and one of the largest and most populous cities in the world. Ibadan is known for having many firsts, including the first television station in Africa, the first Olympic sized stadium in Africa and the first Nigerian University. It also houses the National Archives, the famous Cocoa house. Ibadan is known as the home of Education and Research in Nigeria, with institutes like the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Institute of Agricultural Research and Training (IAR&T), Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), and the Nigeria Horticulture Research Institute (NIHORT).
We look forward to seeing you at UCBR-8
Prof. Oyeronke A. Odunola
Mobile: +234(0)802-338-7512 +234-803-526-6802
Dean, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences,
College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. Ibadan, Nigeria
How to prepare and send online remote presentations?
Virtual Video Presentations
Participants who wish to make thier presentations remotely at UCBR-8 will be required to submit a previously recorded video (allowed formats for the videos are .avi, .mp4 & .flv) about their presentation, which will be played to the audiences in the scheduled session during the online conference. If you wouldn’t like to send your recorded video before the event, you can also make your presentation online during the event. (In order to avoid technical issues we suggest you to prepare and send your recorded video before the event on the announced dates. During this time presenters should be online and following the broadcasting. Once the presentation is over, the audiences will have the opportunity to ask their questions to the presenter. Appropriate presentation time (15 min for video presentation and 5 min for Q&A) will be allocated to every presenter.
You can submit your video recordings thriugh an e-mail to ucbrfbms@gmail.com. Kindly make the video size to be 100 Mb. Following the submission of the video recording, the presenter should add the following information to the mail content;
Paper Title;
Submission ID;
Name, Surname.
We recommend “Camtasia Studio” program for video recordings. You can watch sample video template prepared for video recordings and easily prepare your virtual presentations. You can use Camtasia Studio program free within 30 days. Please, click to download Camtasia Studio program from its official web-site. Click Here.